
2 min readNov 5, 2021

Well, as is true during the life and times of many, life happens, and usually we’re grateful, or supposed to be… and that’s an excellent philosophy; making the best of every situation, however strenuous or sublime they might be.

I’ve thrived , endured and overcome… during many personal changes during the past year, and have become simultaneously happier and somewhat marginally more discontent. ;) Wink-worthy, indeed. Sometimes grasping a concept is as easy as mastering a certain thought and carrying it with oneself, even if it’s tucked into a secret compartment in a wallet.

Following one’s passion can sometimes be a little stressful, but SHOULD always be interesting, and usually fun and fulfilling in other ways, too.

I might have mentioned via one of my previous articles that after a considerably long voluntary break from gainful employment I set-out once again to become employed. The process was actually kind of fun, despite the measly response I received; a sign of the times, perhaps, but rewarding, nonetheless. Due to the several life changes which I invoked and manifest during the past several months, I chose to publish fewer articles and rejoin my writing/publishing when I was ready. And, in addition to the whopping $0.07 I have thusfar earned via medium.com, I have been and am currently again gainfully employed, though only part-time, by personal choice.

As recently as yesterday night, I felt a pang of hesitance pertaining to my publishing via medium.com; and this morning awoke reinvigorated and ready to get the ball rolling again. I was a little nervous pertaining to the prospect I may be a huge hit or a majorly minor medium manual manipulator. Handy, I am! ;)

Anyway, I’m back!!! And, will continue to publish chapters of my novel autobiographical tale intermingled with some newer original story articles. Ready for prime-time, definitely… netflix, maybe yeah, that, too… On demand sometimes seems a little daunting, but it’s a challenge which may sometimes be as delightful as a little extra butter. I’ll decide and you may be entertained or at the very least, drawn as a moth is to a flame… that’s another of my self-directed choices. Just, please, be mindful of my predominantly cotton wardrobe, because I’m fairly certain moths eat other stuff, too. :)

Happy Friday, during my writing of this, whether or not you’re reading during the same day or a subsequent weekend-starter.

Bon appetite!

